Road Plotter
The Road Plotter is a device that quickly and accurately mark lines on asphalt. The advanced control of the Road Plotter uses a digital drawing with the lines and RTK-GNSS. The lines are mostly used to indicate where to put the new asphalt lanes and where to apply the road marking. Deployment of the Road Plotter speeds up the work process of applying new asphalt.
In the meanwhile, our experience with the Road Plotter has also resulted in the development of the Robot Plotter, which is even more compact and also autonomous.
Bronland 12-Z
6708 WH Wageningen (NL)
T: +31 (0)85 482 4810 (office)
T: +31 (0)85 482 4811 (support)
T: +31 (0)85 482 4812 (sales)
Radix Klima, building 109
Bornsesteeg 48 Wageningen
(navigation use: Bornsesteeg 50)